- If I had been a happy child
- If I had known unconditional love
- Would I have grown into a woman with
- A surging thirst of ambition?
- If I had believed my mother
- Anytime she nurtured me
- Instead of ever suspecting her motives
- Would I have come to love a simple life?
- If I had had brothers to look after me
- If I had had friends or my father to seek solace in
- Would I have grown so strong and
- Independent?
- If I hadn’t faced and walked away from
- The option of suicide at eight years old
- Would I have chosen it instead
- After some flapping melodrama years later?
- If I had played dolls with little friends
- If I had had play-dates and summer camps
- Instead of wandering the forests and creeks like a wolf-child
- Would I still have a transcendent imagination?
- If parent figures hadn’t wafted in and out of my homes
- If I hadn’t been drug to one sham wedding after another
- Would I have had my starter marriage and divorce
- Instead of insisting on one true love or nothing?
- Who would I be
- If I hadn’t faced what I’ve faced?
- Would I like me as much?
- Would I be as proud?
- Would I want as badly
- To touch the hearts around me?