The date I had the other night, had no hesitation bashing Title IX. His buddy at UCLA lost his scholarship because they cut the crew team to pay for women’s sports.
I suggested that perhaps UCLA could have used some of the football or basketball money instead. He looked at me like I was crazy. “No way! Those are the highest sources of revenue!” Um…
I told him I played volleyball at Mills College and, in fact, that was one of the things that helped me get in there. “Yeah, but,” he started, “that was just intramural.” What? No.
I rattled off a list of all the “legitimate” schools we played. He was dumbfounded. Mills College isn’t a “girls’ school” and women don’t play sports just because there aren’t any baking classes.
#firstandlastdate #1950s #butheLOOKEDliberal #notgettinglaid #titleix #gall #whodoyouthinkyouretalkingto