Pay But Probably No Pay

Today in Craigslist:

Feature or Short Script Needed ASAP (Doable) (los angeles)

I need a script. Badly.

I need a good script though. Not a bad one. A good one.

A funny one, or a regional teen crime dramedy. Either one will do.

I have actors, crew, everything standing by for this script. It will be shot in the next 4 weeks.

Please send it to me. Will you send it to me? Please?

The only requirement is that it’s doable. Thanks

compensation: Pay but probably no pay


Today in Craigslist:

$50 to wear a Bigfoot costume for one hour at my birthday party (Los Angeles / Atwater Village)

I have a big foot costume. Looking to hire someone to wear it at my birthday party for one hour and make $50. Must be tall and willing to dress like a Sasquatch and pose for baller photos.

Please send email with your height and headshot.